
About me

Hey there. My name is Alex.

I’m a 38 years old lawyer, dad, entrepreneur, investor, passionate about investing and personal finance.

I created Freedompills.com to document my personal journey to reach financial independence and to share my thoughts.

I’ll describe how I’ve reached my goal: become Financially Independent, regain my freedom, live a meaningful life.

The name “ Freedom Pills” exactly describes the meaning of this blog: I want you to regain YOUR freedom.

This blog will be organized in 3 different section.

1: Minimalism & Stoicism: Minimalist lifestyle, Ethics, Philosophy.
2: FIRE – Financial Independence Retire Early: All related to the FIRE movement.
3: Investing & Personal Finance
– Grow Wealth, Investing, Budgeting.

I used this framework as a guideline to my life, and now I plan to retire before 40, traveling and living the rest of my life in a fulfilling way.

If you want to share your thoughts, fell free to share a comment.