7 Ways to Improve your Finances.

imrpve finances - trees near body of water

Discover the best 7 proven ways to improve your finances and grow your wealth. Your journey to Financial Freedom and Early Retirement will begin when you’ll start taking consistent action to improve your finances and grow your wealth. If you made a list of your goals for this year, today is the time to look … Read more

Financial Independence: Early Retirement Extreme.

Financial Independence Early Retirement

How to reach Financial Independence and Early Retirement: the story of Jakob Lund Fisker. What Is Financial Independence? Reaching Financial Independence is the most important objective for most individuals. Financial Independence means having enough savings and investments, to afford the lifestyle you want and never work again. In other words, you find yourself in a … Read more

Buy and Hold strategies.

Buy and Hold. person on a bridge near a lake

Assume that is the year 1980, and you decide to invest $ 10K every year. At the end of 1989 you would have ended up with $210,833. Now assume that is the year 1990, and you decide to invest $ 10k every year. At the end of 1999 you’d have ended up with $280,019 This … Read more

How to invest in stocks: Market Timing vs Buy & Hold.

How to invest in the stock market. Market Timing vs Buy & Hold

If you want to know how to Invest in the stock market, you need to understand two basic concepts: Market Timing vs Buy & Hold. Here’s a simple guide for beginners. To reach Financial Freedom you have to know how to invest your hard-earned money in the market. Most investors use two different investment strategies: … Read more

Building Cash Flow Assets: 7 ways to make money on the side

Building Cash Flow assets

I love building my cash flow assets. My favorite asset classes are two: 1 ) digital products; 2) dividend-paying stocks: every 3 months, I receive dividend payments without any effort or active work. Why owning assets is such a great thing? Simply because they earn money even when you sleep. This is why you don’t … Read more

REITs vs. Rental Properties: Which is Better?

REITs vs. Rental Properties: Which is Better?

REITs vs. Rental Properties are the main options if you choose to invest in Real Estate. Let’s see which is better for you. REITs and Rental Properties, for many investors, are the best ways to build wealth, generate passive income, and reach Financial Independence. Investing your money in the Real Estate sector is a good … Read more

SPY vs QQQ: Which is better? ETF comparison.


Do you want to escape the Rat Race and quit your hated 9-5 job? Do you want to enjoy your life and finally be free? If so, you need to build your stash of FU money . To build your stash, you need to learn as soon as possible how to invest your money and … Read more

How Does the Stock Market Work?

Stock Market

Investing in the stock market scares you? Well, you are not alone.  If you have limited knowledge of the stock markets, you can be easily terrified by dreadful stories of people investing and losing 50% of their portfolio value ( maybe you heard about the terrible bear markets in the late ‘90, in 2008, and … Read more

Stocks with a High Dividend Yield.


Investing in Stocks with a high dividend yield is a great choice if you want to build your stash of FU Money and reach Financial Independence. Many investors look for a regular dividend income and buy high dividend yield stocks to have a consistent monthly cash flow. If you you want to know how to … Read more

What is the Dividend Yield?

Dividend Yeld

If you want to be a successful investor, reach Financial Independence and build your stash of FU Money, you may choose to follow a dividend income strategy. Choosing this way you need to know two important concepts: what is the Dividend Yield of a stock; how to calculate the Dividend Yield. The dividend yield is … Read more