How to Make $3000 Fast

person standing on hand rails with arms wide open facing the mountains and clouds

Recently, my best friend asked me: “I have to make $3000 fast, how can I do it?” I normally advise my friend to adopt a long-term view, “find a good job and invest in an index fund“. But there are some times in your life when you’re in financial difficulty and you need to earn some … Read more

Finite Versus Infinite Games

woman holding surf board standing on shoreline during sunset

The Game of Life. Living your life is like playing a game.  There are two types of games. The first category is called “Finite” games, the other “Infinite”. As J. Carse says: “A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.”  (James Carse, Finite and … Read more