Compounding Interest vs Simple Interest.

Compounding Interest vs Simple Interest.

Compounding interest: the formula to continuously grow your wealth. Albert Einstein in an interview was once asked what’s the greatest invention of all the mankind. He replied: “Compound interest. It is the 8th Wonder of the World.” There’s no doubt that the compounding of interest is one of the most powerful thing in the world, … Read more

Charlie Munger: “the First 100k is a B*tch”.

Charlie Munger: “the First 100k is a B*tch”.

One day, in 1990, during the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Meeting, a young man asked Charlie Munger – vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the wealthiest people in the world – to give him an advice to get rich: he told him he had a very hard time, he failed in getting started and … Read more